Hydraulic dampers made by R&D Center «TECHINDUSTRY» are products of a new generation. This is due to extensive experience of our specialists in design and calculation of technical characteristics, and advanced production facilities that allow achieving high precision and quality of a final product.
However, of the greatest importance are continuous research and development works, as well as search for best construction solutions. Our products are always reliable and effective in operation, and all their operating characteristics are accurate, and tested thoroughly so that hydraulic dampers operate properly in the units for which they are created.
The most efficient operation of a hydraulic damper is achieved thanks to a new schematic and construction solution consisting in the use of thew Armstrong hydraulic pump circuit of a working fluid provides for the fastest heat removal from processed vibration energy. The whole fluid flow is used. At the same time, the volume of the fluid is 15–20% larger than that in standard dampers. This also improves operation of a hydraulic damper.
High operating characteristics of a hydraulic damper require the use of high quality materials, parts and units:
Our innovative solutions are patented (see the section «Patents»).
We aim at creating the best products in our segment. That is why, we constantly improve our knowledge and expertise in damping and quality assurance.